For DELIBLOX PTY LTD, sustainable development is about creating value in society whilst managing financial and operational risk for the
Company. By taking a holistic view of corporate growth, our actions and decisions go beyond sectorial and legislative requirements to
ensure that we are accountable for the social, economic and environmental impacts of our mining activity and continue to grow while
making lasting contributions to the development of the country.
DELIBLOX PTY LTD adopted two major policies with regards to responsible mining operation. These include the DELIBLOX PTY LTD
Sustainable Development (SD) Policy and the Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) Policy; together these two define our approach and
strong commitment towards sustainability and our responsibility towards diverse stakeholder groups.
Our drive to develop sustainably is best summarized by the four principles that we stand by: first, the benefits of economic activity
mustappropriately account for their respective social and environmental consequences; second, in utilizing
resources, the needs and expectations of future generations must be adequately considered; third, the government, our business and
other relevant segments of society must act cohesively to balance these needs; and fourth, continuing to employ strict corporate
governance is essential for us to successfully meet both our business and sustainable development objectives.